The National President chairs the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors consists of the eight elected members:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Members-at-Large.
Also serving on the Board is:
Immediate Past President, by virtue of the position; General Counsel, appointed by the President and confirmed by a majority vote of the Board.
All Board Members are voting members.
ASU Alumni
2024 - 2026 National Alumni Board Members
President - Mrs. Sharmagne Goff
Vice President - Ms.Tamara H Nelson
Secretary - Mrs. Edna Cade
Treasurer - Mrs.Gloria Jefferson
Member-at-Large - Ms. Cassandra Harris
Member-at-Large - Mr. Jewell Howard
Member-at-Large - Mrs. Joneva Murphy
Member-at-Large - Dr. Angelina Thomas
Immediate Past Pres. - Dr. TaKeshia Thomas
General Counsel - Mrs. Betty Walker
Office Staff:
Office Administrator - Ms. Eartha Watkins
Office Assistant - Ms. Gloria Powell
President’s Council (ASUNAA Past Presidents)